How to Quit Smoking While Listening to Hypnosis Recordings

Using recordings to quit smoking can be successful if done properly. For most people it takes 30 to 45 days to create a change of habit. This means the hypnosis recording should be listened to for at least 30 nights straight, preferably longer so the new way of life becomes permanent. As you begin to prepare for bed is when you should put headphones on and begin the session.

There are methods to help during the day which can help you associate cigarette smoke with being a negative thing to do. Find a brand that you absolutely despise and switch to them. You are smoking now to quit, not for enjoyment. You should also cut off the filters so they taste even worse. Also only smoke in a nasty place, such as around a garbage dumpster. This will definitely help you feel like quitting.

Write on an index card all the reasons for giving up smoking. Keep your cigarettes in a sealed bag with the note in it, or some other place that takes a little time to get to. You can write down things like, the health benefits of quitting, wanting to stay healthy enough to enjoy your grandchildren, saving money, and looking better. Every time you feel the urge come on to smoke a cigarette, when you open the pack the note should be read. This can help stop the urge.

Another thing you can do is make an anchor to help resist a time when you tend to smoke. Some people have a cigarette after eating, while talking on the phone, or when they first get out of bed. To set an anchor, press somewhere on the body and take a very deep breath. Do this several times in as row, always pressing the same spot. Whenever you feel a need to smoke, trigger this anchor first. The deep breath you take when smoking is replaced by the breathing anchor. Nicotine is really a stimulant which does nothing to really relax you, the deeper breath you take during the inhalation process helps produce the calming effect.

Using gum, hard candy, or even holding a stick in your hand can replace the cigarette which you might be craving. Giving up using the buddy system can also help by holding each other accountable. Taking up meditation, yoga, reading a book, or going for a walk can create a change, which is exactly what you are looking for.

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Your Brain and the Hypnosis Effect

What happens to your brain during hypnosis is something that you might be wondering. Will it slowly leak out your ears or perhaps turn into a pile of mush? Will the left and right side decide to switch around? These are questions that keep some people from giving hypnosis a try.

The brain will stay pretty much the same during and after hypnosis, with the exception of replacing a few neuro pathways with ones that better serve you. It will not turn into mush or leak out of your head. The hypnotist will work with the reasons that you want and put the suggestions back into the subconscious. If you want to quit smoking so you will feel healthier and have more money, this is what will be put back into your brain.

Unlike a lot of prescribed medicines that are made from chemicals with various side effects, using hypnosis is considered safe with the side effects that include changing your life for the better.

Hypnosis has been used to enhance sports performance, help control weight issues, public speaking, smoking cessation, and everything in-between. As you learn more about it, you begin to realize this is something that could work for you.

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It is the Middle of the Night

Are you awake yet should be asleep? Disruptive sleep can lead to stress and emotional issues. Sleep deprivation seems to be more common with people always attached to their phones.

Lack of sleep will affect your job, social life, and relationship with your family. This doesn’t have to happen to you. There are a few ways to get better quality sleep.

Learning meditation can improve the quality of sleep you get throughout the night. It slows down your racing mind and creates a feeling of peace and calmness. Meditating can easily be learned and there are many types of recordings which will help get you started.

Try to meditate at least 20 or 30 minutes every day for the best results. This helps you understand how the mind works with the body. Science has shown the brain isn’t the only thing in control, the heart and gut also play a role in controlling your thoughts.

Taking up yoga is another way to get a more peaceful sleep. This also helps with mastering your body, instead of letting it control unwanted emotions. There are many beginners classes available on and offline.

Learning how to use self-hypnosis can take you into deep states of relaxation which will improve your sleep patterns. Having a calm and peaceful mind will also help you deifd off to sleep without listening to your mind racing with thoughts about how the day went. A good hypnotist can teach you self-hypnosis so you will be the one in total control of your sleep. Have a great night and sleep tight.

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Subliminals and the Hypnosis Effect

Using subliminal messages can help some people create change in their life. Everything from a healthier body to a change of habits can be accomplished using this method. Subliminals are another form of hypnosis that affects the subconscious mind without going into a trance state .

These types of messages were first used in films to increase the sells from the conscession stands. Science says these subliminal messages are ineffective yet they are still banned from advertising. Personalized messages can be a very effective way to create positive change in your life.

Just like any type of change that you seek, it seldom happens overnight. New habits must be formed which can replace challenges like an unhealthy diet of smoking cigarettes. Learning to live healthier will give you more energy and possibly a longer life.

Subliminals can be programmed to flash on a computer screen or embedded into music. A visual type person will have more luck with the flashing messages while one who is auditory will respond better to embedded commands.

If you have an adversion to being hypnotized the old fashioned way, perhaps subliminal messages will be the way to go for you.

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Hypnosis and the Little Red Chair

You can sit in a little red chair to undergo a hypnosis session, laying down isn’t necessary. Actually, it matters not what color the chair is, or even if there is a chair at all. Knowing where you are can change at any given moment. What matters most is the change that you decide to make.

Hypnotic language can leave you wondering where you are or where you have been. Only you can decide the reality of any adventure you might be having. As long as you are in the process of trying to determine what is best for you in any given moment, you will be safe, happy, and calm.

Back to the little red chair that could be in a library, an office, or even your home, the confusion factor might leave you a little confused. It matters not since you have already decided to change the issue that seems to be bothering you the most, with out any effort at all.

If you decide to seek out a qualified hypnotist, always remember some are more efficient than others while the relationship is probably what matters the most. Just like seeking a medical doctor, finding one you are most comfortable with plays a big part in the way you relate to one.

If you are having challenges you are dealing with, a few sessions of hypnosis could very well help you solve them. Search for a qualified hypnotist today and see what changes you can be helped with.

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7 Ways to Help Defeat the Smoking Habit

Smoking can be very detrimental to a person’s health. Emphysema, COPD, and lung cancer are just a few things that cigarette smoking will give your body. Other things include heart problems, skin damage, and an increased chance of having a stroke. This doesn’t include the money that could be spent on better things.

A person has to want to quit or no amount of therapy, substitutions, or even money will get someone to give up cigarettes. If you really have the desire to quit, you are already half way there. With just a little help, you could be well on your way to have complete freedom from cigarettes. These 7 ways can help you gain control of the habit that you want to conquer.

1 Nicotine Gum

This is a way to still get nicotine without the effect of smoking. Chewing this gum can be a replacement for cigarettes. This doesn’t mean it is completely healthy. Nicotine is a poison that is still hard on your heart and arteries. This could be a stepping off place from smoking with the possibility of giving up the gum later.

2 The Patch

Another way to replace the nicotine from cigarettes is to try the patch. They come with different levels of nicotine in them allowing you to lessen the dependence slowly. The same with the gum though, you still have nicotine in your system.

3 Prescription Medicine

A doctor might prescribe medicine to help control the craving you have to smoke. There could be adverse side effects of these prescriptions, including weight gain and emotional issues.

4 Meditation

By controlling the mind by using meditation, you could develop the will power to change the way you think about smoking and give it up. This is a safe alternative without side effects. Some people have better luck with this than others.

5 Yoga

Learning yoga let’s you control both your body and mind. This is a great way to become at peace with yourself. Taking up yoga can also give you the power to give up cigarettes. Some think that they are not limber enough for yoga, that is why you start with beginners poses. This is another safe alternative to smoking.


Using neuro linguistic programing will also give you a very good advantage when crushing the cigarette habit. The body and mind connection is a good way to help solve issues that are hard to control.

7 Hypnosis

Of course the use of hypnosis can create a new outlook on the way you think of cigarettes. An inversion to smoking can be installed during a session while also creating an anchor to replace the urge to smoke. No matter which method you use, giving up cigarettes can keep you healthier while saving money.


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The Smoke Continues to Rise

As you reach out to buy another pack of cigarettes, you begin to realize the money you are spending to support this habit could be used for things that are much more constructive. Perhaps you need a different car or would like to invest in your future. Paying over $2000 to the tobacco company each year doesn’t do much for you except to contribute to the downfall of your health. Using hypnosis can help you break the habit of watching your money go up in smoke.

Perhaps you have tried the patch, nicotine gum, or even Chantex, and have always went back to donating money for cigarettes so you can become dependant on oxygen and confined to riding an electric scooter through the house since you no longer have the breath to walk anymore. Is this how you want to live in the future?

Is hypnosis guaranteed to make you quit? The answer is no. How effective was the gum, patch, and prescriptive medicine? There has to be a will to give up them cigarettes or nothing will work. Smoking cessation is usually a call complete program with you doing other things besides the hypnosis session.

If you have exhausted all the other methods, it is possible hypnosis will help you quit. If you want to be able to run with and enjoy your grandchildren, take that pack of smokes and destroy it today.

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30 Days to Begin a Better Life

Your brain is definitely a creature of habit. Once it builds a new neural pathway, it likes to keep it that way. This is great for most things, or else you would have to relearn how to walk every day.

By continually stepping out of your comfort zone, it teaches the brain that change can be a good thing. This is one of the better ways to create new positive habits. Replacing a good habit to replace an unhealthy one is a great way to improve your life.

Hypnosis recordings can help install heathier habits. There are many different types, from gaining more confidence to a diet that will benefit your body more. These recordings should be listened to every night as you prepare to sleep for 30 to 45 days. This is how long it takes for neural pathways to become more permanent. Think of it starting out as a small walk pathway that morphs into a super highway.

If you miss a couple nights of listening, it is best to start over again. The more time you have invested in creating these highways the more permanent they will become.

Live hypnosis sessions usually work faster since the suggestions that are being installed are from your own words while the recordings are more generic. One size that fits all is more how they are described.

This doesn’t mean recordings do not work, many people have had much success using them. Some have given up smoking while others became better at controlling the foods they eat, which led to loosing weight.

On the other page is a free recording for those who want to quit smoking cigarettes. There is a PayPal button there yet you do not have to use it. Just click on the link and download it for no cost. You have to want to quit smoking though, hypnosis isn’t like a magic wand. If it was, I would wave the wand around a lot to help those having issues they want to conquer. Give a recording a try or locate a good hypnotist to help improve your life.

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And the Struggle Continues

As you continue to struggle with every day life situations, I want you to realize there are better options. Instead of fighting situations the same way, try a different approach. The same frame of mind that creates problems will only intensify the effect. By changing the way you think about things will give you a different approach.

Using hypnosis can help you with becoming unstuck while showing you that there are better situations that can be obtained. It matters not what your struggle is, finding a way to get through it will change your life.

Cigarettes are approaching ten dollars a pack, and in a lot of places it is even more. This takes a fairly good size chunk of money every week, which could be applied to things that will benefit you more. The relaxation effect people say they get from smoking is really the deeper breathing they do when inhaling. Nicotine is a stimulant, not a relaxer.

Using hypnosis can help you quit and teach you a better way of relaxing which is a much safer alternative. A good hypnotist will set a relaxation anchor and show you how to use it during any stressful situation. This is something you will use any time, without having to keep going back and shelling out more money. Try a session today and see how it can improve your life.

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